Pulseq-CEST Webinar

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Subject: Join Our Pulseq-CEST Webinar: Simplify Prototyping, Simulation & Reproducibility in CEST MRI

Dear CEST-fans,

We’re delighted to invite you to our Pulseq-CEST Webinar focused on the Pulseq-CEST tool and its role in simplifying prototyping, simulation, and reproducibility in CEST MRI research.

Pulseq-CEST Webinar
Date: Thursday, July 6, 2023
Duration: 1 hour + discussion
Two different Time Slots:

  1. 9:30 AM CEST | 7:30 AM UTC
  2. 4:30 PM CEST | 2:30 PM UTC

Zoom Link: https://fau.zoom.us/j/94884482840

In this webinar, you’ll discover:

Please share this invitation with colleagues who may be interested.
For any questions, feel free to contact us.

Best regards,

Moritz Zaiss

PS: Pulseq-CEST works for all magnetization preparation, T1/T2/B1prep or MT.